Course Description

This course is NOT a free course - if you click FREE TRIAL and access any of the course content when your school has NOT ALREADY  ordered the course, you WILL BE BILLED.

This course provides a basic overview of terms, functions, rules & regulations and what the reports tell us. A clear, simple overview to give school finance staff a grounding in school-based accounting.

Mandy Riddington

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Session 1 - Intro, Funding & spending, Double entry bookkeeping

    • Make sure you have ordered this course before starting!!

    • How to use this course

    • Session 1 notes for downloading

    • Session 1 - Funding for Scottish schools - notes

    • Benchmarking for schools in Wales

    • Video presentation

    • Session 1 assignment

  • 2

    Session 2 - Regulations & Duties

    • Session 2 - notes for downloading

    • Session 2 assignment

    • Session 2 video presentation

  • 3

    Session 3 - Financial Reports

    • Session 3 notes for downloading

    • Session 3 video presentation

    • Session 3 assignment

  • 4

    Session 4 - Period End

    • Session 4 notes for downloading

    • Session 4 video presentation

    • Session 4 assignment